There seems to be three major political parties in the mix now. Republicans, Democrats, and Tea Party. Now for all you Independents I have not forgotten any of you. Independents are better known as your swing voters. They don't fully agree with any party, and have their own leanings one way or another. They may vote for any party, or split their ticket, which is something I tend to do. If you do your job, usually you will get my vote.. Independents don't always vote for a fellow independents, and do not want someone like Lieberman Representing them. Lieberman was a Democrat who became an Independent so he could support the Republicans while voting Democrat. How is it he still has his job? Some Independents may not vote at all if they don't like any of the candidates. Unfortunately, most party Representatives can no longer do their job. They have become very greedy, in the aspects of individual gains. They are in it to get re-elected first and foremost, then acquire as many riches as possible, and control. Control with the most power. Somewhere along the way they forgot that public service is what it says Servicing the Public "you and me". They have also forgotten that it is a privilege just to be elected, and it is not a career. Also, forgotten in the mix, and this is one of the biggest ones they forgot. "They work for "us" the American people". So in case you don't know how much we pay these so called Representatives or the perks they earn. I will share some of them that I have researched via many many websites. There are too many to list, but you can do your own search if you want. Some perks have been eliminated, but really they just found another loophole around the elimination.
I am also going to post my impression of each party and what they stand for. Let's see who you are or maybe who you want to be now or whether or not you want to be affiliated at all. Here we go :)
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